Advanced Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics are structured in three parts covering statics, kinematics and kinetics.
Statics deals with the equilibrium of object (point mass and rigid body) and the related extensions. It helps students to establish solid understanding of forces and moments, and their interplay in keeping object in static equilibrium. The skills learned in this session are essential for more advanced study in dynamics. Having some basic understanding of trigonometry is beneficial but not required. The use of vectors for problem solving will be introduced, and will become a powerful skill set for students by the end of the session.
Kinematics deals with displacement, velocity and acceleration of object (point mass and rigid body), and the relations among them. Different coordinate systems will be introduced to facilitate the learning of some generic methods for relating those kinematic parameters of motion in both linear and curvilinear motions. Some general knowledge of calculus is necessary but not strictly required. Some basic skills in calculus relevant to physics problem solving will be introduced early on.
Kinetics deals with the cause of motions in object (point mass and rigid body). Newton's law, work-energy principle and impulse-momentum principle for both point mass and rigid body will be studied to relate force and moment to the resulting motion. They will be applied to study linear motion, circular motion, collision, and oscillatory motion problems. The concept of reference frame will also be introduced to understand Coriolis force.
Is there a prerequisite for the course?
The course will involve the use of trigonometry and calculus related skills. The lack of them, however, will not obviously hinder you from learning the concepts and skills for solving problems, as they will be introduced early on and learned quickly.
In what format will the course be provided?
They will be provided through live, interactive, white-board style, online instruction.
How long is the instruction?
The three-part summer course consists of 12 lectures, each 2-hour long, totaling 24 hours of lecture time in three weeks for each part (provided on Weekdays except Wednesday).
Do I have to take all three parts?
The three parts will be offered sequentially, and will fully cover the mechanics part of materials needed for physics competition. They are expected to be offered again so you may decide to take part II or III in the later round when your schedule allows.
How big is the class size?
Class size is limited to 20 students.
Are there homework assignments?
Yes, one homework assignment per two lectures will be assigned and graded. Homework solutions will be provided afterwards.
What are the requirements and expectations of students?
Students are required to take good lecture notes, and expected to spend extra time to digest what they have just learned. They are required to submit their lecture notes for examination after each lecture to get comments and feedback. They are also required to finish the homework assignments.